The Joke Six Shots of Jagermeister

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Read the funny Six Shots of Jagermeister joke in Partying & Bad Behavior to make you laugh out loud :) See how long you can go with a straight face :| after seeing the Six Shots of Jagermeister joke at!

Six Shots of Jagermeister

Six Shots of Jagermeister Hilarious Joke
Six Shots of Jagermeister Joke

What's The Joke Six Shots of Jagermeister?

A young man sits down at a bar and says, "I want six shots of Jagermeister."

"Six shots!?" exclaims the bartender, "Are you celebrating something?"

"My first blow job," replies the young man.

"Well, in that case," says the bartender, slapping him on the back, "let me give you a seventh on the house."

The man holds up his hand, "No offense, sir. But if six shots don't get rid of the taste, nothing will."

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