The Joke Redneck Driver's License Application

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Read the funny Redneck Driver's License Application joke in Country Jokes to make you laugh out loud :) See how long you can go with a straight face :| after seeing the Redneck Driver's License Application joke at!

Redneck Driver's License Application

Redneck Driver's License Application Hilarious Joke
Redneck Driver's License Application Joke

What's The Joke Redneck Driver's License Application?

Last name: ________________

First name (check appropriate box):

[_] Billy-Bob

[_] Bobby-Sue

[_] Billy-Joe

[_] Bobby-Jo

[_] Billy-Ray

[_] Bobby-Ann

[_] Billy-Sue

[_] Bobby-Lee

[_] Billy-Mae

[_] Bobby-Ellen

[_] Billy-Jack

[_] Bobby-Beth-Ann

Age: ____ (if unsure, guess)

Sex: ____ M _____ F _____ Not sure

Shoe Size: ____ Left ____ Right


[_] Farmer

[_] Mechanic

[_] Hair Dresser

[_] Waitress

[_] Unemployed

[_] Dirty Politician

Spouse's Name: __________________________

2nd Spouse's Name: _________________________

3rd Spouse's Name: _________________________

Lover's Name: ____________________________

2nd Lover's Name: __________________________

Relationship with spouse:

[_] Sister
[_] Aunt

[_] Brother

[_] Uncle

[_] Mother

[_] Son

[_] Father

[_] Daughter

[_] Cousin

[_] Pet

Number of children living in household: ___

Number of children living in shed: ___

Number of children that are yours: ___

Mother's Name: _______________________

Father's Name: _______________________

(If not sure, leave blank)

Education: 1 2 3 4 (Circle highest grade completed)

Do you [_] own or [_] rent your mobile home?

Vehicles you own and where you keep them:

___ Total number of vehicles you own

___ Number of vehicles that still crank

___ Number of vehicles in front yard

___ Number of vehicles in back yard

___ Number of vehicles on cement blocks

Firearms you own and where you keep them:

____ truck

____ kitchen

____ bedroom

____ bathroom

____ shed

Model of your pickup: _____________

Year pickup produced: 194____

Do you have a gun rack?

[_] Yes [_] No; If no, please explain:_________________________

Newspapers/magazines you subscribe to:

[_] The National Enquirer

[_] The Globe


[_] TV Guide

[_] Soap World

[_] Rifle and Shotgun

___ Number of times you've seen a UFO

___ Number of times you've seen Elvis

___ Number of times you've seen Elvis in a UFO

How often do you bathe:

[_] Weekly

[_] Monthly

[_] Not Applicable

How many teeth? ___

Color of teeth:

[_] Yellow

[_] Brownish-Yellow

[_] Brown

[_] Black

[_] N/A

Brand of chewing tobacco you prefer:

[_] Red-Man

How far is your home from a paved road?

[_] 1 mile

[_] 2 miles

[_] don't know

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