The Joke Lipstick Or...?

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Read the funny Lipstick Or...? joke in Dirty Jokes to make you laugh out loud :) See how long you can go with a straight face :| after seeing the Lipstick Or...? joke at!

Lipstick Or...?

Lipstick Or...? Hilarious Joke
Lipstick Or...? Joke

What's The Joke Lipstick Or...??

Two guys are at the doctor's office, each has got a problem with his "jimmy." One guy gets called in to see the doctor and comes back out five minutes later. the guy in the waiting room says, "Well, what'd he say?" The first guy tells him that the doctor said to just take a shower and the ring around his unit will come right off.

So the next guy goes in thinking, "Great -- just take a shower." But instead the doctor tells him that they are going to have to operate. "Why?" he asks, "The other guy just had to take a shower." The doctor says, "Well, there's a big difference between lipstick and gangrene."

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