The Joke Technically and Reality?

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Read the funny Technically and Reality? joke in Jokes about Kids to make you laugh out loud :) See how long you can go with a straight face :| after seeing the Technically and Reality? joke at!

Technically and Reality?

Technically and Reality? Hilarious Joke
Technically and Reality? Joke

What's The Joke Technically and Reality??

One day, a little boy asks his father what the difference is between 'technically' and 'reality.'

"Son, I won't tell you the dictionary definition in fear that it will confuse you. But to help you out, I'll give you something to do. Go ask your mother if she will sleep with a bum for $500,000 and ask your sister is she'll sleep with the garbageman for the same amount." So, the little boy goes up to his mom.

"Mommy, would you ever sleep with a bum for $500,000?"

"You bet your ass I would!" exclaims the mother. So the little boy goes up to his sister's bedroom.

"Hey sis, would you sleep with the garbageman for $500,000?"

"I sure would!" exclaims his sister.

"Dad, Dad! Mom and sis both said they would. What does that mean?"

"Well, son," the father says. "Technically, we're millionares but in reality we live with a couple of dirty whores!"

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