The Joke They're Busy

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Read the funny They're Busy joke in Jokes about Kids to make you laugh out loud :) See how long you can go with a straight face :| after seeing the They're Busy joke at!

They're Busy

They're Busy Hilarious Joke
They're Busy Joke

What's The Joke They're Busy?

One day, the phone rang, and a little boy answered.

"May I speak to your parents?"

"They're busy."

"Oh. Is anybody else there?"

"The police."

"Can I speak to them?"

"They're busy."

"Oh. Is anybody else there?"

"The firemen."

"Can I speak to them?"

"They're busy."

"So let me get this straight -- your parents, the police, and the firemen are there, but they're all busy? What are they doing?"

"Looking for me."

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