The Joke Farting gay men

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Farting gay men

Farting gay men Hilarious Joke
Farting gay men Joke

What's The Joke Farting gay men?

Two gay men are walking down the street trying to bum a ride. A truck driver picks them up. After a while the first gay man asked in a very gay voice, ''Please sir can I fart?''

The truck driver then says, ''Yeah sure who cares.''

So the gay guy goes ''POOF''.

Then the second gay man asks if he can fart. The truck driver says he doesn't care and the second gay man went ''poof''.

Then the big truck driver goes to the gay men and says, "Ok gentlemen can I fart?"

The gay men say right on and the truckdriver lets it blow. The fart was huge and smelly and loud. The gay men then say, ''He is obviously a virgin.''

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