The Joke The Native American Clock

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The Native American Clock

The Native American Clock Hilarious Joke
The Native American Clock Joke

What's The Joke The Native American Clock?

A cowboy rides in the desert and comes upon a Native American lying naked with a hard-on. He asks, "What are you doing?"

The naked man replies, "I'm finding out the time -- it is 12:15."

The cowboy looks at his watch and thinks, "Wow, it really is 12:15."

The cowboy continues and sees another Native American lying naked with a hard-on. He asks, "What are you doing?"

The naked man replies, "I'm seeing what time it is -- it is 3:15."

The cowboy looks at his watch and that is the correct time. The cowboy continues and finds a third Native American lying naked on the ground, masturbating.

The cowboy asks what he's doing and he replies, "I'm winding my watch."

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