The Joke Who Was the Most Drunk?

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Read the funny Who Was the Most Drunk? joke in That Is Gross to make you laugh out loud :) See how long you can go with a straight face :| after seeing the Who Was the Most Drunk? joke at!

Who Was the Most Drunk?

Who Was the Most Drunk? Hilarious Joke
Who Was the Most Drunk? Joke

What's The Joke Who Was the Most Drunk??

Three guys compare their levels of intoxication from a party the previous night.

The first guy says, "Man, I was so drunk last night, I went home and blew chunks."

The second guy says, "I was so drunk last night, I woke up this morning on my front porch."

The third guy says, "I was so drunk last night, I took a prostitute home to my wife."

The first guy exclaims, "You guys don't understand! Chunks is my dog!"

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