The Joke Weight Loss Adjustment

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Read the funny Weight Loss Adjustment joke in Doctor Jokes to make you laugh out loud :) See how long you can go with a straight face :| after seeing the Weight Loss Adjustment joke at!

Weight Loss Adjustment

Weight Loss Adjustment Hilarious Joke
Weight Loss Adjustment Joke

What's The Joke Weight Loss Adjustment?

A man goes to his doctor after losing a lot of weight.

"I feel great, but I have a problem, doctor. I was so fat beforehand that my skin has stretched and stayed that long. Is there anything you can give me?"

"Hmm, short of plastic surgery, there is only one alternative. Please take off your clothes."

The man strips down. The doctor pulls all his skin upwards and ties it in a ball above his head.

"But doctor -- now my navel is in the middle of my forehead!"

"True," replies the doctor, "and you should see what you have for a collar and tie."

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