The Joke Incredible Confession

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Read the funny Incredible Confession joke in Men/Women to make you laugh out loud :) See how long you can go with a straight face :| after seeing the Incredible Confession joke at!

Incredible Confession

Incredible Confession Hilarious Joke
Incredible Confession Joke

What's The Joke Incredible Confession?

An old man enters a confessional and proudly exclaims, "Father, I have to tell you what happened to me last night. I'm 90 years old, and I made love to two 18-year-old women for eight hours!"

The stern priest replies, "That is a sin. I will have to give you a penance."

"Father, you can't give me a penance."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm Jewish."

The perplexed Father asks, "Then why are you telling me?"

"I'm telling everyone!"

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